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Basic routines to work with graphs.
Ilya Yaroshenko
template GraphIterator(I = uint, J = size_t)
template Graph(I = uint, J = size_t)
template GraphSeries(T, I = uint, J = size_t)
template RCGraphIterator(I = uint, J = size_t)
template RCGraph(I = uint, J = size_t)
template RCGraphSeries(T, I = uint, J = size_t)
GraphSeries!(T, I, J) graphSeries(I = uint, J = size_t, T, Range)(in Range[T] aaGraph);
Range[T] aaGraph graph that is represented as associative array
A graph series composed of keys (sorted .index) and arrays of indeces (.data)

Complexity O(log(V) (V + E))

auto gs = [
    "b" : ["a"],
    "a" : ["b", "c"],
    "c" : ["b"],

assert (gs.index == ["a", "b", "c"]); // sorted
assert ( == [
    [1, 2], // a
    [0],    // b
    [1],    // c
RCGraph!(I, J) rcgraph(I = uint, J = size_t, KeyIterator, RangeIterator)(Series!(KeyIterator, RangeIterator) graph);
Series!(KeyIterator, RangeIterator) graph graph that is represented a series
A graph as an arrays of indeces

Complexity O(log(V) (V + E))

import mir.series: series;

static immutable keys = ["a", "b", "c"];
static immutable data = [
    ["b", "c"],

static immutable graphValue = [
    [1, 2], // a
    [0],    // b
    [1],    // c

assert (series(keys, data).rcgraph == graphValue);