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Small Array

The module contains self-contained generic small array implementaton.
SmallArray supports ASDF - Json Serialisation Library.
Ilya Yaroshenko
struct SmallArray(T, uint maxLength) if (maxLength);
SmallArray!(char, 16) s16;

auto s8 = SmallArray!(char, 8)("Hellow!!");
assert(s8 == "Hellow!!", s8[]);

s16 = s8;
assert(s16 == "Hellow!!", s16[]);
s16[7] = '@';
s8 = null;
assert(s8 == null);
s8 = s16;
assert(s8 == "Hellow!@");

auto s8_2 = s8;
assert(s8_2 == "Hellow!@");
assert(s8_2 == s8);

assert(s8 < "Hey");
assert(s8 > "Hellow!");

assert(s8.opCmp("Hey") < 0);
assert(s8.opCmp(s8) == 0);
auto a = SmallArray!(char, 16)("asdf");
a ~= " ";
auto b = a ~ "qwerty";
static assert(is(typeof(b) == SmallArray!(char, 16)));
assert(b == "asdf qwerty");
assert(b == "asdf qwerty!!");
alias serdeKeysProxy = T;

this(V[] array);

nothrow this(const SmallArray array);

this(uint n)(const SmallArray!(T, n) array);

this(uint n)(ref const SmallArray!(T, n) array);

this(Range)(auto ref Range array)
if (isIterable!Range);
ref typeof(this) opAssign(typeof(null)) return;

ref @trusted typeof(this) opAssign(V[] array) return;

nothrow ref typeof(this) opAssign(ref const SmallArray rhs) return;

nothrow ref typeof(this) opAssign(const SmallArray rhs) return;

ref typeof(this) opAssign(uint n)(ref const SmallArray!(T, n) rhs) return
if (n != maxLength);

ref typeof(this) opAssign(uint n)(const SmallArray!(T, n) rhs) return
if (n != maxLength);
= operator
@trusted void trustedAssign(V[] array);
ref typeof(this) append(T elem);
void trustedAppend(T elem);
ref typeof(this) append(V[] array);

alias put = append;

template opOpAssign(string op : "~")
const scope SmallArray concat(V[] array);

template opBinary(string op : "~")
inout scope @trusted inout(T)[] opIndex() return;
Returns an scope common array.
The property is used as common array representation self alias.
The alias helps with [], [i], [i .. j], ==, and != operations and implicit conversion to strings.
inout ref scope inout(T) opIndex(size_t index) return;
@property bool empty();
@property size_t length();
size_t toHash();
Hash implementation
bool opEquals(ref const SmallArray rhs);

bool opEquals(SmallArray rhs);

bool opEquals()(V[] array);

bool opEquals(uint rhsMaxLength)(auto ref SmallArray!(T, rhsMaxLength) array);

auto opCmp()(V[] array);

auto opCmp(uint rhsMaxLength)(auto ref SmallArray!(T, rhsMaxLength) array);
Comparisons operator overloads