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Thread-safe reference-counted arrays and pointers

Mir provides two kinds of ref-counting pointers and two kinds of ref-counted arrays.
The first kind pointer is RCPtr, which consists of a pointer to the context and pointer to the value.RCPtr supports structural and object polymorphism. It allows getting members with the same context as the root. The second kind is SlimRCPtr, which consist only from a pointer to the value. The context for SlimRCPtris computed using a fixed-length memory shift from the pointer to the value. SlimRCPtr can be converted to an RCPtr and to an RCArray of the one element.
RCArray is an array type without range primitives. It's length can't be reduced after construction.In the other hand, Slice!(RCI!(T)) is an ndslice with all random-access range primitives.RCI is an iterator, which consists of RCArray and the pointer to the current element. RCArray!T can be converted or moved to Slice!(RCI!(T)) using .asSlice or .moveToSlice methods respectively.
RCArray!T aliases itself to a common D array slice. This feature may cause a segmentation fault in safe code if used without DIP1000.
RCPtr!T can be constructed from an element index and RCArray!T / Slice!(RCI!(T)).
The package publicly imports mir.rc.array, mir.rc.ptr, and mir.rc.slim_ptr.
See Also:
@trusted RCPtr!F toRCPtr(F)(return SlimRCPtr!F contextAndValue);
shared pointer constructed from the slim shared pointer.
The function has zero computation cost.
import core.lifetime: move;
struct S
    double e;
struct C
    int i;
    S s;

auto a = createSlimRC!C(10, S(3));
auto s = a.move.toRCPtr.shareMember!"s";
assert(s._counter == 1);
assert(s.e == 3);
@trusted RCPtr!F toRCPtrAt(F)(return RCArray!F array, size_t index)
if (!is(R == class) && !is(R == interface));

@trusted RCPtr!F toRCPtrAt(F)(return Slice!(RCI!F) array, size_t index)
if (!is(R == class) && !is(R == interface));
shared pointer constructed with the array's context and the value points to array[index].
The function has zero computation cost.
struct S { double e; }

auto a = RCArray!S(10);
a[3].e = 4;

auto s = a.toRCPtrAt(3);

assert(s._counter == 2);
assert(s.e == 4);
struct S { double e; }

auto a = RCArray!S(10).asSlice[5 .. $];
a[3].e = 4;

auto s = a.toRCPtrAt(3);

assert(s._counter == 2);
assert(s.e == 4);
@trusted RCArray!F toRCArray(F)(return SlimRCPtr!F context);
RC array length of one constructed from the slim shared pointer.
The function has zero computation cost.
struct S { double e; }

auto a = createSlimRC!S(4).toRCArray;
assert(a._counter == 1);
assert(a.length == 1);
assert(a[0].e == 4);