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This is a submodule of mir.ndslice.
The module contains chunks routine. Chunks structure is multidimensional random access range with slicing.
slicedField , slicedNdField  can be used to construct ndslice view on top of Chunks.
Ilya Yaroshenko
template chunks(Dimensions...) if (Dimensions.length)

Chunks!([0], Iterator, N, kind) chunks(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, size_t chunkLength);
Creates Chunks.
Dimensions compile time list of dimensions to chunk
See Also:
import mir.ndslice.chunks: chunks, isChunks;
import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;

// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
auto sl = iota(11);
// 0 1 2 | 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 | 9 10
auto ch = sl.chunks(3);

static assert(isChunks!(typeof(ch)) == [0]); // isChunks returns dimension indices

assert(ch.length == 4);
assert(ch.shape == cast(size_t[1])[4]);

// 0 1 2
assert(ch.front == iota([3], 0));

// 3 4 5
assert(ch.front == iota([3], 3));
assert(ch.length == 3);

// 9 10
assert(ch[$ - 1] == ch.back);
assert(ch.back == iota([2], 9));

assert(ch.back == iota([3], 6));

assert(ch[$ - 1 .. $].length == 1);
assert(ch[$ .. $].length == 0);
assert(ch[0 ..  0].empty);

import std.range.primitives: isRandomAccessRange;
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(ch)));
import mir.ndslice.chunks: chunks, isChunks;
import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;

//   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
//  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
//  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29
//  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39
//  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49
//  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59
//  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69
//  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79
//  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89
//  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99
// 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
auto sl = iota(11, 10); // [0, 1, .. 10]

//   ----------------   ----------------   --------
//  |  0   1   2   3 | |  4   5   6   7 | |  8   9 |
//  | 10  11  12  13 | | 14  15  16  17 | | 18  19 |
//  | 20  21  22  23 | | 24  25  26  27 | | 28  29 |
//  |----------------| |----------------| |--------|
//  | 30  31  32  33 | | 34  35  36  37 | | 38  39 |
//  | 40  41  42  43 | | 44  45  46  47 | | 48  49 |
//  | 50  51  52  53 | | 54  55  56  57 | | 58  59 |
//  |----------------| |----------------| |--------|
//  | 60  61  62  63 | | 64  65  66  67 | | 68  69 |
//  | 70  71  72  73 | | 74  75  76  77 | | 78  79 |
//  | 80  81  82  83 | | 84  85  86  87 | | 88  89 |
//  |----------------| |----------------| |--------|
//  | 90  91  92  93 | | 94  95  96  97 | | 98  99 |
//  |100 101 102 103 | |104 105 106 107 | |108 109 |
//   ----------------   ----------------   --------
// Chunk columns first, then blocks rows.
auto ch = sl.chunks!(1, 0)(4, 3);

assert(ch.shape == [3, 4]);
assert(ch.slice == sl);
assert(ch.front.slice == sl[0 .. $, 0 .. 4]);

assert(ch.front.front == sl[0 .. 3, 0 .. 4]);

assert(ch.front!0[1] == sl[3 .. 6, 0 .. 4]);
assert(ch.front!1[1] == sl[0 .. 3, 4 .. 8]);

assert (ch[$ - 1, $ - 1] == [[98, 99], [108, 109]]);

static assert(isChunks!(typeof(ch)) == [1, 0]); // isChunks returns dimension indices

assert(ch.length == 3);
assert(ch.length!1 == 4);

assert(ch.front.front == sl[0 .. 3, 4 .. 8]);
assert(ch.front.front == sl[3 .. 6, 4 .. 8]);

assert(ch.back.slice == sl[3 .. $, 8 .. $]);
assert(ch.back.slice == sl[3 .. $, 4 .. 8]);

import std.range.primitives: isRandomAccessRange;
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(ch)));
import mir.ndslice.chunks: chunks, isChunks;
import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;

//   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
//  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
//  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29
//  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39
auto sl = iota(4, 10); // [0, 1, .. 10]

//   ----------------   ----------------   --------
//  |  0   1   2   3 | |  4   5   6   7 | |  8   9 |
//  | 10  11  12  13 | | 14  15  16  17 | | 18  19 |
//  | 20  21  22  23 | | 24  25  26  27 | | 28  29 |
//  | 30  31  32  33 | | 34  35  36  37 | | 38  39 |
//   ----------------   ----------------   --------
// Chunk columns
auto ch = sl.chunks!1(4);

assert(ch.slice == sl);
assert(ch.front == sl[0 .. $, 0 .. 4]);

assert(ch.back == sl[0 .. $, 8 .. $]);

import std.range.primitives: isRandomAccessRange;
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(ch)));
Chunks!([Dimensions], Iterator, N, kind == Contiguous && ([Dimensions] != [0]) ? Canonical : kind) chunks(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, size_t[Dimensions.length] chunkLengths...);
Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice Slice to chunk.
size_t[Dimensions.length] chunkLengths Chunk shape. It must not have a zero length.
struct Chunks(size_t[] dimensions, Iterator, size_t N = 1, SliceKind kind = Contiguous);
@property size_t[dimensions.length] chunkLengths()();

size_t[dimensions.length] _chunkLengths;
Chunk shape.
const @property auto lightConst()();
immutable @property auto lightImmutable()();
@property Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice()();
Underlying ndslice. It always correspond to current chunks state. Its shape equal to the concatenation of the all chunks.
Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) _slice;
const @property bool empty(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)()
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);
ndslice-like primitives
const @property size_t[dimensions.length] shape()();

const @property size_t length(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)()
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);

@property auto front(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)()
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);
@property auto back(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)()
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);

void popFront(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)()
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);

void popBack(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)()
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);

const Slice!(IotaIterator!size_t) opSlice(size_t dimensionIndex)(size_t i, size_t j)
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);

const ChunksSlice!() opSlice(size_t dimensionIndex)(size_t i, ChunksDollar!() j)
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);

@property ChunksDollar!() opDollar(size_t dimensionIndex)();

auto opIndex(Slices...)(Slices slices)
if (Slices.length <= dimensions.length);

auto opIndex()(size_t[dimensions.length] index);

@property auto save()();
@property auto select(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)(size_t index)
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);

@property auto select(size_t dimensionIndex = 0)(size_t i, size_t j)
if (dimensionIndex < dimensions.length);
template isChunks(T)
Checks if T is Chunks type.
array of dimension indices.
import mir.ndslice.chunks: chunks, isChunks;
import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;

static assert(isChunks!int == null);
static assert(isChunks!(typeof(iota(20, 30).chunks!(1, 0)(3, 7))) == [1, 0]);
void popFrontTuple(size_t dimmensionIndex = 0, Master, Followers...)(ref Master master, ref Followers followers)
if (isChunks!Master && allSatisfy!(isChunks, Followers));
Evaluates popFront!dimmensionIndex for multiple Chunks structures at once. All chunks structures must have for the appropriate dimension the same chunk lengths and the same underlying slice lengths.
dimmensionIndex dimensionIndex
Master master the fist chunks structure
Followers followers following chunks structures
import mir.ndslice.chunks: chunks;
import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;

auto a = iota(10, 20).chunks!(0, 1)(3, 7);
auto b = iota(20, 10).chunks!(1, 0)(3, 7);

auto as = a;
auto bs = b;


popFrontTuple(a, b);

assert(as.slice == a.slice);
assert(bs.slice == b.slice);

assert(as.chunkLengths == a.chunkLengths);
assert(bs.chunkLengths == b.chunkLengths);