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This is a submodule of mir.graph.
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm.
Ilya Yaroshenko
auto tarjan(bool RC = false, G, I = Unqual!(ForeachType!(ForeachType!G)))(G graph)
if (isUnsigned!I);
Classic Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm.
Tarjan's algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory for finding the strongly connected components of a graph. It runs in linear time, matching the time bound for alternative methods including Kosaraju's algorithm and the path-based strong component algorithm.
The implementation is loop based. It does not use recursion and does not have stack overflow issues.

Complexity worst-case O(|V| + |E|).

RC nogc mode, refcounted output
G graph components (ndslice) sorted in the direction of traversal of the graph. Each component is an array of indeces.
components (ndslice of arrays of indices)

Note The implementation returns components sorted in the direction of traversal of the graph.

See Also:
        4 <- 5 <- 6 -------> 7 -> 8 -> 11
        |    ^   ^           ^    |
        v    |   |           |    |
  0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 10     9 <---
import mir.graph;
import mir.graph.tarjan;

GraphSeries!(string, uint) gs = [
    "00": ["01"],
    "01": ["02"],
    "02": ["05", "03"],
    "03": ["06", "10"],
    "04": ["01"],
    "05": ["04"],
    "06": ["05", "07"],
    "07": ["08"],
    "08": ["09", "11"],
    "09": ["07"],
    "10": [],
    "11": [],

static immutable result = [
    [1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6],
    [7, 8, 9],

// chec GC interface
auto components =;
assert(components == result);
// check @nogc interface
// Note: The lambda function is used here to show @nogc mode explicitly.
auto rccomponents = (() @nogc =>!true )();
assert(rccomponents == result);
Tests that the graph 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 returns 4 components.
import mir.graph;
import mir.graph.tarjan;

GraphSeries!(char, uint) gs = [
    'a': ['b'],
    'b': ['c'],
    'c': ['d'],
    'd': ['q'],
    'q': [],

auto scc =;

assert(scc == [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]]);
 0 <- 2 <-- 5 <--> 6
 |  ^ ^ ^___
 v_|  |     |      _
 1 <- 3 <-> 4 <-- 7_|
import mir.graph;
import mir.graph.tarjan;

auto gs = [
    0: [1],
    1: [2],
    2: [0],
    3: [1, 2, 4],
    4: [3, 2],
    5: [2, 6],
    6: [5],
    7: [4, 7],

auto components =;

assert(components == [
    [5, 6],
    [3, 4],
    [0, 1, 2],
 2 <-> 1
 |    ^
 v_0 /

import mir.graph;
import mir.graph.tarjan;

auto gs = [
    0: [1],
    1: [2],
    2: [0, 1],

auto components =;

assert(components == [[0, 1, 2]]);
Tests that a strongly connected graph, where components have to get through previously visited components to get to the graph root works properly
This test demonstrates a hard to detect bug, where vertices were being marked 'off-stack' after they were first visited, not when they were actually removed from the stack
import mir.graph;
import mir.graph.tarjan;

auto root = 0;
auto lvl1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
auto lvl2 = [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];

int[][int] aar;
aar[root] = lvl1;
foreach(int v; lvl1)
    aar[v] = lvl2;
foreach(int v; lvl2)
    aar[v] = [root];

auto gs = aar.graphSeries;

auto components =;

assert(components == [[root] ~ [lvl1[0]] ~ lvl2 ~ lvl1[1 .. $]]);